HC-250 version 2.5.3 How update
Quote from element59 on May 2, 2021, 4:46 amHello everybody, i m french and newbee in control4.
I learn lot of forum , thanks a lot.
I have HC-250 with sr250B keep waiting for network and a SR260 keep with egg timer
I can connect to the controler with Composer 2.5.3 and 2.10.6 but i thnik i need to update the controler and it must be register to do that isn't ?
I will be creasy because i don't succes.
If someone can help me about this ?
Many thanks
Hello everybody, i m french and newbee in control4.
I learn lot of forum , thanks a lot.
I have HC-250 with sr250B keep waiting for network and a SR260 keep with egg timer
I can connect to the controler with Composer 2.5.3 and 2.10.6 but i thnik i need to update the controler and it must be register to do that isn't ?
I will be creasy because i don't succes.
If someone can help me about this ?
Many thanks
Quote from element59 on May 2, 2021, 2:41 pmI succes to appaired the remote SR250 after leave network with command : rom off #*13413
I succes to appaired the remote SR250 after leave network with command : rom off #*13413